Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New mask

Usher in the new year.
Don a new mask
Realize the lies of your life
Reanalyze the next task

This mask
This disguise
Deceive this troubled world
Pull the wool down over their eyes

Fit the mold
But never conform
Father strength around you
Awaken the storm

Lightning will crash
And the fires will burn
Floods will rise
The blood still churn

So in this next moment,
Next day and year.
My mask will be worn
A mask to fear

Monday, December 29, 2014

Whispering voice

A whispered thought
To the grave I must keep
Hearts worn on sleeves
Cause grown men to weep
So I'll hide it away
in the recesses of the void
Where none can approach
Piercing gazes to avoid
Living is to lie
Lying is to live
Layer upon layer of defense
A castle built in tyrannical rage
Guarding the dragon's chest
A treasure, knowledge bade
In his tomb, forever laid


It's the Red and the Blue
A deep purple, Royalty's hue
The wolf led as a loyal soul
A tiger, seeking power and control
The black of the yin
and white of the yang
A balance within like
I want to obtain
A lover,
A fighter,
A lifter,
A writer,
Seeking the crown
Both desire it
Together they're the heir
Heir to earth's throne
Together they must inherit
They can't do it alone.

My shadow, My curse

Who is this man I see
Staring so eerily back at me
He is the ghost
The image of my nightmare

You're nothing but a shadow
A reflection, my rival
It's a race against time
Who will win
Who will be the king,
and who will be the horse.

Why can't I hide from you
Why won't you hide from me
I don these masks to run away,
and yet, you're still there,
ever staring at me

I see you
I hate you
Try as I try
I can't pass you
You stay right there with me
Staring with those cold dead eyes
Those eyes I desperately despise
You're all I must banish
For without you,
There'd be nothing in my way,
Nothing to stop my progress
Day after day.

You will die
and with you my pain
My doubts, my shame
You are the embodiment of regret
My insecurity and fear
Rise I will,
Don my armor I shall
and Strike you at the core,
Until your blood has spattered the floor.

In that moment, all will be silent
The calm before the storm

How to Rise

Why is it I feel this way
This need to belong
To be a part of this troubled time,
this darkened world

Where good is seen as evil
and Evil is good.
Higher powers seeking control
our attention chained to the devices in our pockets
Slowly sapping our ability to think freely
To have an imagination is but a rarity
To conform is now a commonality
To be one with the group,
rather than speaking out as a lone voice
Freedom to think
as all but been taken away,
by the voices who shout tolerance,
but our intolerable to an opposing idea
The hypocrites simply multiple,
while the sincere dwindle.

There is a darkness rising
Creeping just out of view
Tainting each and every mind
Darkening their hearts
Their vision is now blind
Link upon link
Chains strengthen their hold
Holding us down
Pulling us down
How to escape.
How to break these chains.
How to rise

Saturday, December 20, 2014

No turning back

My days are numbered
Eventually they'll end
There's no turning back
It's time I can't bend
Each choice I've made
I can't reverse
I must live in their consequence
I must die by their curse
The trust I have given
Returned nothing but lies
Luring me To false security
Of which I despise
There's no hope in moving on
No chance in going bacK
The world keeps spinning onward
A life is a mere speck by time's attack

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Crimson vision
A vengeance unseen
Born from clear reason
Clarity, obscene
This anger
This hate
A lust for power
A desire to create
Ashes must fall
In darkness all must burn
People too often forget
Humanity yet again must learn
There's a peace
Wrought thru fear
Fear of Annihilation
Priorities become clear
This vision, and goal
Built upon ash and bone
I'll ride the crimson tide
To the stalwart throne

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sick of it All

Sick of the pressure
Sick of the shame
Sick of being just a pawn in this game
Sick of dissappointment
Sick of the pain
Sick of the ignorance and lack of fame
Sick of this world
Let's set it aflame
Sick of not having what's mine to claim
Sick of this burning
Bursting through my frame
Unleash the madness
The beast can't be tamed

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

On the Edge

I'm standing at the edge
Waiting for a push

On This Day

On this the day of my birth
I have learnt the extent of my worth
This sum being so small
Stuck in humanity's weakness
Immobilized by emotion's call.

I am but a man
Held in the chains of my conscious
Shackled by the whims of the heart
Weakest muscle of the body,
The human heart.
So fragile, broken so easily.
A substance of affection,
But by my standard, simply an affliction

My infection
The disease, born of the heart
The Cure is unknown to me
I wish only to be free of this curse
Break these chains that bind my wings
Let my fly
Let me rule
Let me become more

The world is rotten,
Overcome by the same affliction
Humanity, a curse of us all.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Here I walk alone
This road paved by lies
Deceit hid in worldly greed
Forced to simply avert my eyes
Blinded and forced to bleed
Here I walk alone
Surrounded by shrouds of black
Shadows circling every step I take
Closer and closer, coming to attack
Gaining ground,  closer forcing me prostrate
Here I walk alone

It's a single path,
From point A to B
There is no chance to deviate
only an illusion of choice in the matter,
But knowing the end result
shows the true insignificance of such choices
All fall away in the face of certain death.
Struggling is futile, fruitless, a waste
Religions created as a way to explain it all
To give reason to the irresolute truth of life
There's none
There's one chance,
and it will end the same as all else
With no way left to change it
I'm left here walking

Here I walk alone

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Societal Mask

There is a darkness in all of us
We each have it,
that dark place in our minds, our hearts,
The place we hide from others,
we hide for fear of rejection.
Because that part of us isn't part of social acceptance.
The tolerance of society is so wanting,
That we can't show even half of our true selves,
instead we wake up,
look at our reflection in the mirror,
we see our true selves,
and before we leave, we don our masks
the masks of this world,
The masks of societal acceptance,
just so we can "fit in" with the mold,
Something developed by men who "know better"
One's who would have all free thought extinguished,
and all the Radicals thrown behind bars for their need to think.
But what were we given brains for, if not to be able to have free thought.
To be coerced into one frame of thought,
is to have a cell with iron bars,
erected within your own mind.
and along with that cell would come a sickness,
a plague upon ones heart,
For without free thought,
without the passion and belief behind it,
motivation fails,
love fails,
Life fails.
All because we have a need,
A need for a false sense of security,
the "protection" given from being just another mask in the crowd,
Not standing out, because we know that if one were to rise above the rest
they'd be instantly shoved back down.
There is no protesting, there is no standing up,
There is only obedience, only staying within the rules of your role,
and fulfilling that role until the day you die.
You can't go back,
you can't try again.
There's a strict timeline that you have to follow.
It begins with birth,
you learn, you are coerced into a social view,
compounded by media, teachers, organizations, music,
friends, everything, until you're forced to a point,
where there is no room for doubt,
Because that's all you know,
That's all you can know.
And so you fulfill the role your given,
without question as to why, or what,
Just the knowledge that, that's all there is for you,
That's all you have to do.
And eventually your journey will end,
Death is the end,
If that's all there is to everything.
If we are mere meager members of society,
controlled as puppets laden with a multitude of strings,
each manipulated by the mystic puppet masters of life.
If we really have no choice..
What then is freedom?
What then is being free?
What then does it mean to be alive?

Monday, September 29, 2014

What is the meaning

What really is the meaning in this life.
If there is a meaning at all?
Does it really begin at birth?
Does it really end at Death?
No. There would be no point if that were the case.
This is just another stage in our ever evolving existence.
What then is this God that so many religions refer to?
God? Allah? Jehovah? Buddha?
Really just the next stage in our evolution.
The next higher intelligence. Leading us to become as they are.
How did they achieve their higher state?
Did they struggle in life, and unlock the mystery,
or is it actually an achievement only brought about in death?
Is that the real test? The test of who is willing to step beyond the veil,
to take that leap into the unknown. And become more.
Why then is there the struggle forced upon us in this existence.
Humanity's flaw, is it's belief that we are. That we possess anything.
Everything we have can be taken away, does that not mean that we really have nothing.
But to truly have something, that would mean that it could not be taken from us.
and yet we limit ourselves in the way we think. Even our ideas aren't really ours,
they are simply a combination of the experiences, the ideas, the plots thrown at us since birth.
We are creatures of experience.
We celebrate at birth.
We Mourn at death.
We laugh, we complain, we cry, we cheer, we show such a variety of emotions, each of which is
caused by our experiences. We are taught what is appropriate for a given situation.
The very words we use to express our feelings are simply a way of constriction to allow understanding between us.
When discovering new things, we always want to know what it's called, what's it's name. We use the words to describe what something is.
But that limits it's capabilities.
Prescribing a label, in turn sets boundaries, because once the label is imprinted, there is a certain expectation that it will stay within the confines of such a label.
 The label of a race, a country, a religion, a class, a sect, a career, a school, any kind of organization, using any labels instantly tell people about you, what you are without you having really given them any evidence to support the fact. Simply because in their experience they met someone who fit into the same category, that you just gave them, leads them to believe that you are the same. But that's not possible, no two people are the same, so how can we allow ourselves to be fooled by the labels. By the confines of such  a program as classification. Simply because you believe something, does not make it so. By that definition, even if you are to set a label, you're setting yourself unavoidably for failure, because as soon as that label is proven to be wrong, your beliefs will be shattered, your world will be shattered, you won't know what to think, what to believe, and you'll wander, searching, and settling, because eventually you'll give up in your search, deciding it's too hard. It's too much to handle. Our brains are too fragile it seems to accept that life really has no meaning but to be an experience to add to our existence. Who's to say we haven't been thrown through countless lives before, but we didn't achieve what we were sent to achieve, so instead of making the ultimate progress we were recycled, sent back to try again.
Makes me wonder if I've sat here searching for these same answers, time and time again, and yet because of the curse of time, have not yet been able to unravel the mystery that eludes me.
Our minds have been able to create worlds upon worlds, and allowed abilities, and phenomenon to come about in our stories, in our media. But why haven't we been able to unlock the true potential that is humanity.
Why haven't we been able to push past the limits that are in our mind?
Because of what we're taught.
For years we were taught it's impossible for men to fly, but eventually people created planes and found a way to fly.
We couldn't see at night, or warm ourselves when it was cold. But we created clothes, and fire, and electricity.
We in our pursuits have created so much that has progressed our lives to such an extent, that now, people seem to be content.
Wasting away there lives on their phones, on the simplicity of mindless games, becoming the reincarnation, of the brainless neanderthols. Reverting us back in time. not truly allowing us any progression at all.
Is this really our fate? To allow time to reverse our progression, simply because of generations coming that desire to be lazy, and have everyone else to everything for us?
NO. This is not the case.
There is no way that we can allow this world to continue the way it has.
We must reawaken the minds of the world
We must change the course of humanity.

Anytime you say you can't, you instantly confine yourself farther, until eventually you will have caused yourself to be a failure, not willing to achieve anything further than what you can comprehend.

Time is relentless,
It continues marching forward without ever slowing.
There is no delay in it's progress.
Lives beginning and ending in the same instant,
have no effect whatsoever on it.
It is unfeeling, unflinching, and unavoidable.
One day we will die
Time will stop for no man
Everything we have will wither away with time.
So with the time you do have, do everything you can

My mind

The recesses of my mind,
Tell the story of my life.
A darkened sense of justice,
A boy too frightened to do what he feels.
Held back by a fear of rejection,
Held back by a fear of rebukes.
When in his heart of hearts, he knows it all doesn't amount to anything.
Because in the end, we all die, his life will end.
And when it does, no one will remember.
Who he was, or what he stood for.
So why does he care.
Why does he continue to work for things.
His mind and his heart battle,
Logic vs emotion. Neither seeing eye to eye.
Neither caring too.
The boy desires to inspire,
to bring about a great good,
but also wants control, power, the world.
The mind finds the heart to be a hindrance,
the Heart wants the mind to understand.
He loves, He hates, He Plots, He debates.
This child, possessed as a creature of Hell.
Slowly being given over the tantalizing anger,
The beautiful hate of this world.
and the Desire of it's destruction.
He's lived this world of lies for far too long.
Lacking the knowledge of whether any truth exists at all.
There has to be an end.
He needs an end of the lies, He needs the truth,
He needs a reason to believe.
Slowly sinking, steadily in darkness,
given over to hate, given over to intent,
Given to a need for power, a need to be in control.
This craving, vengeance against those who would hurt,
vengeance against The God who created such atrocities.
Vengeance against the world.
and if it be that to exact this vengeance will destroy him,
So be it.


Rules given by others,
why do we follow
Why do we Care?
Is it to be accepted,
Is it to not stand out,
ultimately is it Fear?
Fear of repercussions,
Fear of pain, of suffering
Even when we see those same rules,
bent to a breaking point,
Even rewarding Men who would break them.
Where is the justice.
Where is Their punishment.
How is this Fair.
An eye for an eye,
and we all go blind,
but in that darkness
You know what we'll find
a Peace unknown to man
A peace of humility and meekness
as we're all forced to rely on one another.

You who kill, be killed
You who steal innocence, be found guilty,
You who rob, lose what you use to rob
You who kidnap, lose the life you have.
You who made the choice, die with the consequences.
We have enough criminals living, when they really need to stop.
They decided to act, and the only reason these numbers grow,
is because we don't act upon our promises of retribution.

A "civilized" world is only granted through an agreeance amongst it's people.
To follow the rules set about by them, and enforced by them.
If not, we are no better than animals being whipped into obedience by those who
desire to be masters, and use any means to enact that desire.

A Child

A child's dream
Is a life worth living
It's just a dream
It doesn't exist,
In the end,
All Glory Fades,
Nothing lasts,
We all will eventually decay away,
and what then will be the point.
What then will have been worth the struggle
Goals. What are goals,
but momentary pleasures set in self-gratification,
held firm by the belief that we matter,
That I matter.
But how can that ever be true.
I to must fade into the fabric of time.
That is the only truth, and curse of living.
It never lies, it just continues marching onward,
no matter who desires it's delay, it won't listen.
All become meaningless, it's all just a matter of time.
A child hopes,
A child dreams
A child lives.
A child I am
no more

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What am I

I am just a speck,
amongst a million other specks
trapped in the fabric of time
which holds us
binds us,
in it's unyielding folds
with no power of which to stop it's course
no way to alter fate
the fate given to us in our first moments of life
that fateful day the die was cast
and where it fell gave you your beginning
no choice but to follow the command
thrust into this life,
but is it a life worth living
having no control of your fate
each life begins the same
with a birth of chance,
and ends the same
with one last dance
Deaths cold kiss to welcome you back
but back to where
into the unknown
into this fabric,
this timeless existence
what really then is the point
I'm merely a speck
among millions of specks
what difference is made,
when a speck rises above the rest
tries to reach the sky above
the speck, though as hard as it will push
will always be swept back into the sea
back into the waves
Time will always come crashing down

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We Are Not Equals

All Men are Not Created Equal
There really is no such thing as equality.
Simply put, because all men are Not created equal
We are each born with different strengths and different weaknesses.
Some are stronger or faster, while others have a higher level of intellect.
Some are born beautiful, others deformed, or born sickly or feeble.
People are born white, or brown, or black, or any variation of ethnicity
People are born into poverty or wealth, not by choice of their own, but
simply because of how the die was cast as they were born.
and because of these facts we as humanity discriminate one against another.
we disagree, we fight, we struggle. And that is why we progress.
Without struggle to be the best, no one would have cause to push harder,
to push further, or to develop new ideas. Because there wouldn't be a reason to.
Without the need to succeed. Progress will stop.
and without that progress, life will become a stagnant wasteland.
Without any future at all.

Many times we hear about nations who have decided to give an equal distribution of wealth to citizens,
whatever that wealth may be. All that creates is a nation of laziness. Sure there will still be those who work hard. But there will be far more who don't see the point. Who decide, that regardless of the effort that they put in, since they will receive the same either way, they decide not to put in any effort. Let others do their work, because it's not convenient. It's not what they want to do, so they aren't going to.
Progress stops, nations fail. We as a race cease to have real meaning to our lives.
 We teach the children of today, that it doesn't matter whether we win or lose, as long as we try. We hand out participation medals and ribbons like candy, saying "You didn't win? That's okay, you tried, and that's all you can do." But that's a load of LIES! If we continue to broad cast the message that as long as we try, it doesn't matter the result, the future will devour them. They will, no, They already now believe that they deserve this or that, without putting in the real work needed to have earned it. You don't deserve anything unless you put forth your own effort, and fight for it and earn it yourself

We are Not all equal, and because of that inequality We Must Struggle! We Must Compete
 and the unfaltering march of progress Must continue,
 Inequality is not wrong, the false sense of entitled equality is
Evolution is continuous
That is the only way we'll continue to advance steadily into the future.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Who Am I?

Who am I?
A fantasy in my thought
Story book of my mind
My web of emotion I'm caught

Is who I believe I am
The person that you see?
Am I real
Can you really see me?

I am who I decide to be
My thoughts, my ideals
That's what makes me,
That's what's real

The world and I
Don't quite Coincide
When I'm out amongst others
The real me I'm forced to hide

Pushed by social norms
What's accepted by public view
Their sight being quite narrow
Unwilling to bend to things new

So I ask again
Who is it you see?
The one I believe I am?
Can you really see me?

Beyond Puppet strings

Why do I care
It's all just a game
I'm a piece on the board
Merely a number, without a name

No peace will i find
as I'm moved from place to place
Seeking my master's approval
To see the puppeteers face

He hides just out of view
watching, not doing
giving and taking
our heartache for the viewing

He is our creator
Or did we create him
Should we really have to bow
To his every whim?

If he was what we read him to be
He would take the time to care
and look after the suffering people
His lies we unfortunately share

We are in control
Not him, no puppet strings
We forge our own path
We fly on our own wings

This world

This world has become a sickening scene
A place of selfishness and greed
Media masking the obscene
Images of children crying in need

Corruption's in the veins
A conspirator's tainted blood
Spilling innocent's in scarlet rains
A tidal wave, A flood

It's a cycle, a cycle of hate
What one has, another wants
The Greed of man is our greatest downfall
whether a country, a house, or a car

We see, We want, We HAVE to have it
Desire to be better than everyone else
rather than rejoicing in the success of those around you
do you get angry cause you haven't had the same success?
Do you feel because you aren't in the same place as someone else
That somehow that makes you less?
Why torture yourself?
You are you. They are Them.
There's a difference.
We each have our own paths to walk, our challenges to face
It's our choice whether we rise, or fall in disgrace.

Before all else, before rich, before poor
Separated into different clans
Alone we can't deny our core
We are simply Human

It doesn't have to be this way,
This isn't who we are


What's it Worth?
The start of life's Race?
Where we're all trying to find our place?
But what's the reason?
With no stopping the changing of the seasons
Every course leads to a finish line of death
That moment in the end, as we breathe in our last Breath
The life we lived flashes across our eyes
Seeing all our moments, the truths, the lies
The dreams we didn't fulfill
The goals we didn't make real
All the influence and power we gained
Lost to us now, soaked in a dying rain
Leaving the world as we came
With nothing left to our name
So again I ask, What's it worth?

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Life created
Amongst a field of burning ash
Upon bodies of lies
Burning memories of the past

United at the start,
But soon divided
Torn between two worlds
The truth Never provided

Hindsight being
The clearest of visions
Seeing what could have been,
But what could never be.


A light of a candle
is only shown in a darkened room
When the light comes on,
it's worth, extinguished.
A draft from an open door,
the breath of a whispered secret
The flame gone out,
Replaced by worthless regret

A life in ruins,
Faith in liars such is lust,
Hearts bursting at the pressure,
The lives lived under broken trust.

That whispered secret,
The quietly uttered prayer,
Broke everything that was real

Noone left,
                     No one there.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


My religion
My Beginning
My faith
Now thinning
The truth that I knew
Strength in the knowledge of you
Facts faked into existence
None of it True
What am I left with
My world shattered and torn asunder
A hole where my faith once lay
God's grievance, My Blunder
Saying this, and Doing that
Pushing norms, embracing facts
Where Do I turn?
Where is the Truth?
What am I now?
Who am I now?

Friday, January 17, 2014


dream big
inspire others
excel for humanity
your sisters and brothers

be someone
worth looking up to
set your goals high
and follow through

and if you fail,
if you fall
rise up
stand up tall

You shoot for the moon
and even if you don't make it that far
your dreams, your ambitions
will still be written amongst the stars