Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We Are Not Equals

All Men are Not Created Equal
There really is no such thing as equality.
Simply put, because all men are Not created equal
We are each born with different strengths and different weaknesses.
Some are stronger or faster, while others have a higher level of intellect.
Some are born beautiful, others deformed, or born sickly or feeble.
People are born white, or brown, or black, or any variation of ethnicity
People are born into poverty or wealth, not by choice of their own, but
simply because of how the die was cast as they were born.
and because of these facts we as humanity discriminate one against another.
we disagree, we fight, we struggle. And that is why we progress.
Without struggle to be the best, no one would have cause to push harder,
to push further, or to develop new ideas. Because there wouldn't be a reason to.
Without the need to succeed. Progress will stop.
and without that progress, life will become a stagnant wasteland.
Without any future at all.

Many times we hear about nations who have decided to give an equal distribution of wealth to citizens,
whatever that wealth may be. All that creates is a nation of laziness. Sure there will still be those who work hard. But there will be far more who don't see the point. Who decide, that regardless of the effort that they put in, since they will receive the same either way, they decide not to put in any effort. Let others do their work, because it's not convenient. It's not what they want to do, so they aren't going to.
Progress stops, nations fail. We as a race cease to have real meaning to our lives.
 We teach the children of today, that it doesn't matter whether we win or lose, as long as we try. We hand out participation medals and ribbons like candy, saying "You didn't win? That's okay, you tried, and that's all you can do." But that's a load of LIES! If we continue to broad cast the message that as long as we try, it doesn't matter the result, the future will devour them. They will, no, They already now believe that they deserve this or that, without putting in the real work needed to have earned it. You don't deserve anything unless you put forth your own effort, and fight for it and earn it yourself

We are Not all equal, and because of that inequality We Must Struggle! We Must Compete
 and the unfaltering march of progress Must continue,
 Inequality is not wrong, the false sense of entitled equality is
Evolution is continuous
That is the only way we'll continue to advance steadily into the future.

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