Monday, September 29, 2014

A Child

A child's dream
Is a life worth living
It's just a dream
It doesn't exist,
In the end,
All Glory Fades,
Nothing lasts,
We all will eventually decay away,
and what then will be the point.
What then will have been worth the struggle
Goals. What are goals,
but momentary pleasures set in self-gratification,
held firm by the belief that we matter,
That I matter.
But how can that ever be true.
I to must fade into the fabric of time.
That is the only truth, and curse of living.
It never lies, it just continues marching onward,
no matter who desires it's delay, it won't listen.
All become meaningless, it's all just a matter of time.
A child hopes,
A child dreams
A child lives.
A child I am
no more

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