Saturday, November 1, 2014


Here I walk alone
This road paved by lies
Deceit hid in worldly greed
Forced to simply avert my eyes
Blinded and forced to bleed
Here I walk alone
Surrounded by shrouds of black
Shadows circling every step I take
Closer and closer, coming to attack
Gaining ground,  closer forcing me prostrate
Here I walk alone

It's a single path,
From point A to B
There is no chance to deviate
only an illusion of choice in the matter,
But knowing the end result
shows the true insignificance of such choices
All fall away in the face of certain death.
Struggling is futile, fruitless, a waste
Religions created as a way to explain it all
To give reason to the irresolute truth of life
There's none
There's one chance,
and it will end the same as all else
With no way left to change it
I'm left here walking

Here I walk alone

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