Monday, December 30, 2013

He's not the only one

Effort is shown in meaningless ways
When it would of meant so much more,
Through an appearance on important days.

Once I desired you
The ignorance of youth
Learning with age
Your preaching, your life
was extremely uncouth

Speaking of grand things
Like you have the great understanding
But you only see as far as you reach
and Your view is incredibly wanting

The product of your attempt
That pathetic attempt at having a son
He hates your very being
and he's not the only one


You've taken our innocence
like it's nothing but a game
I'm nothing, left in silence
another face in a picture frame
hung up on your wall of pieces
pawns dancing at your fingertips
our struggles, our heartaches
causes a smile across your lips
Laughter at the mishaps of man
Fear at the painful realization
That you really don't care
You control everything, 
yet are unwilling to do anything.
you, our eternal puppet master
pulling our strings from behind dark clouds
Sending storm upon storm
across us struggling crowds
But we are to march forward
Step upon step, mile after mile
Simply for entertainment's value
No matter how vile
You watch, you see
Things you could fix so easily,
Instead you watch it all,
Burn, Decay, Die
God's love.
A Lie.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Rise Up

Rise and let your voice be heard
Show the world you'll no longer live in silence
Fight for your freedom
Release your hungered violence

You were meant to be a King
You were born to be Queen
Your castles await you
Let the truth of your heart be seen

You may fall
you may fail
But if you give up, and stay small
You can never prevail

This life is not a gift
But a chance to be more
Opportunity is knocking
it's right behind that door.
The door labeled fear.
Held by chains,
links of doubt,
of worries, of deceit
lies that you've told yourself

Selfish Whispers
Taunting ever taunting
saying you aren't good enough
saying that you can't possibly climb that mountain
Cross that river, run that mile
extinguishing your light
until there's nothing left but that flickering flame
Fighting for breath,
Hoping beyond hope not to be extinguished
But to have the flames of life burst forth
In a tumultuous fire
That burning desire
silencing the voices, the doubt the fear that holds you
breaking the chains binding you down
Ripping the cold bars from your cell's window

Escape into the unknown
Try what's never been tried
Trip. Fall.

But Rise again, and again, and again.
Don't ever give up
Rise up
Stand up
Stand for something worth standing for
Have a passion
Have a Will
And when you have a purpose worth Dying for
You have something worth living for

Become More

The greatest inequality, is trying to make everything equal. To dull down one's talents in order to make others not feel insecure because they weren't as good as the individual. But who cares? People give out trophies and awards for participating. WHY? Why reward those who give minimal effort the same as the ones who gave all the effort. Who when they were ready to give up and quit, pushed that extra mile, gave all their heart.
Why do we reward laziness, and limit the ones willing to rise past the challenge.
People feel entitled to life. Life is a gift, not an entitlement. Not something that can be given by people. It's something that has to be earned, something that you have to stand up and grab with your own hands.
What worth is an easy life.
What worth do you have if you've  never fought for anything.
Where's your passion? Where's your drive?
If you don't have a passion worth dying for,
               Then what the HELL are you living for?!?

Oh I reached that achievement in that game, woop dee flipping doo, while you were wasting all that time, those minutes are now gone to do you, You'll never get them back. and no amount of pictures, videos, or memories will make up for the moments you weren't there.

Rise up.
Stand up.
Become more.
You are an individual, given individual gifts, individual strengths and weaknesses, things others don't have. and how are you ever going to know what you can achieve if you never actually go and find out. It's not something that can be told to you, it's something you must find for yourself. It's inside of you.
it's been said that our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
But that we are powerful beyond measure.
Because we are.
we have so much more we can give, and become, so much more than we allow ourselves to be.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us,
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? We tell ourselves that we have no right to happiness. No Right to being so great.
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your playing small, you holding yourself back in no way serves the world.
 There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
 We are all meant to be great, to manifest the talents and gifts that were given to us when we were born.
All of us have this opportunity, these gifts, they are in everyone
and as we let ourselves grow and become more,  we show the world who we are and give others permission to do the same.
 As we free ourselves from our doubt, and our fear,
we give light, and are a beacon to others lost in the darkness,
showing them the way we have found to the light,
Showing them that it's okay to be different.
It's okay to become more.
To become more than what is considered acceptable.
How else would we have been able to come so far.
The Light bulb, telephone, airplane, car, even just fire. All these
were brought about by great men and women who decided that the current way of life wasn't good enough for them, and that they wanted to make it better, that they wanted to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
So all you complainers and whiners out there, get up and stop causing problems and start being the solution, Because this world is slowly decaying, and we need to stop it. And each and every one of you have something to offer, something to give, and the only way for all of humanity to succeed, is for each and every one of us to succeed ourselves. But no one is going to to do it for you, no one is going to hold your hand and pluck you up when you fall.
But you must rise up again, and again whether it be ten times or ten thousand times. Rise! Be More!
Become who you were born to be!
And Take Responsibility for your own life!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Bleeding Heart

A bleeding heart
A hole where love once lay
Robbed of the innocence she deserved
His cruelty knew no end
His torture relentless
Her strength running thin
There was no way to escape
No way to win
Just a silent plee
A desperate Prayer
God Almighty
Save me

Save me from this evil
My tormentor's grasp
Please make this breath of his
be his very last
My life has been yours
from the beginning
I've followed your laws
Repented of my sinning
So please help me now
this my time of need
This is a plee of desperation
Not one of greed.

Strength now gone
The last ounces given in prayer
Answered with nothing but silence
Just deaths cold kiss,
ours to share


Supposed to be a dad
A teacher a Friend
instead a stranger
Our relationship's come to an end

You were never there
when you were needed most
Pretending to care,
lies shown to the heavenly host

I see what you are,
A man, and barely even that
A stubborn coward
Who left family lying flat

Hate is what I think of you
Hate for what you think you do
Hate for what you've never done.
Hate, Dad, I'm not your son.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Stepping Forward

So tomorrow morning I'm getting married, and it's almost unbelievable that I've finally made it here. After months and months of planning and waiting, it's finally just a day away. I think back, and I really don't even know how it all started. A simple message, a simple question. And suddenly it became so much more. A date, a relationship, a promise, then an engagement, and somewhere along the line, she became my best friend. She is, my best friend. Everything I have ever dreamed of, and more than I deserve. She builds me up and helps me stay strong, and I feel that I would be nothing without her. I feel So Lucky to have her.
If ever you find someone that you can say that about, hold onto them, because they're once in a lifetime.
We are all born with a soul-mate. Individually we are just a half, just a part of our potential. It's only when we meet our other half that we can truly become complete, and be everything that we are meant to be.
I've been fortunate enough to find mine.
Never give up on love.
You may be living, but you'll never truly be alive without it.

Take my hand
and come with me
onward into the unknown
There's something
I have to show you
Something I've never shown

Here is my heart
my deepest thoughts
my soul
Here is my heart
I give it to you
it's yours to hold

I'm only half
and you're what's missing
The meaning of my journey
was found as I met you
Take my hand,
and come with me
onward to eternity

Sunday, September 1, 2013

That Dark Place

I'm headed back to that dark place
where shadows and demons
dance across my face

the abyss is calling
ever calling my name
Sickening wails
Death's twisted game

Just a simple piece on the board
moving by dice
controlled by outward forces
Their grip, as ice

I'm running,
ever running
trying to escape
trying to hide,
trying to save my life
but I can't escape
there is no hope left
I'm giving in.
I'm giving up.

Monday, August 12, 2013


One man's choices
Silences all their voices
Rich empowered
While poor men cower

Fear on their lips
Not wanting to say,
What they need to say
Afraid of the soldiers
Marching, day after day
Control of our lives
Has all been taken away

Traitors of the crown
Their lives never sung
Heroic deeds untold
Simply by the noose, Hung


Man's greatest downfall
Our self-destructive nature
Insecurity's call

Our public image
Too highly valued
What really matters
Completely misconstrued

Put others first
Your family's need
Above selfish thirst

Give up your pride
and soon you'll see
Who you become
Is who you're meant to be

What are you?

What are you?
A product of expectation
Trying to fit their design
Giving in without hesitation

Letting them mold and shape your life
Simply for their greed
Not caring about your desires
Or what it is you really need

A tool, nothing more
Made for one purpose alone
Servitude to the master
Sitting idly on his throne

And when your usefullness is over
Worthless and old
You'll find yourself homeless
Left out in the cold


Surrounded by ignorance
A brain will rot
Lack of common sense
Halts intelligent thought

Moving as mindless drones
That's all that remains
Held by invisible thread
In the puppeteer's domain

Think for yourself
Learn what you know
Cut the strings that bind you
Begin to grow

See the world whole
Not just individual view
Find the truth, the answers
Rebuild thought anew

Friday, August 2, 2013


Who is it they really see
When they look at me?

Outward appearances
only reflect a social norm
Simply, a protective layer
Masking our true form

We are who people will accept
Showing conformity, Hiding doubt
Becoming a shadow of truth
The honest ones being shut out

Our public world
Made from masks and lies
Our faulty system
We're all in disguise

Work for your keep

Life's great illusion
is a man born free
To live. He must give all
Everything he can be

It's a wonder then,
if this be true
How men see entitlements
when nothing's due

But the truth has been twisted
Conniving man's evil design
Causing voices to cry
"Give me what's mine"

Live by the sweat of your brow
and soon you'll see
Without honest, hard work
Nothing can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More than an Item

Why do we idolize in the media, the things that destroy us as a society? Woman are constantly viewed as nothing but an item, something to be sold, bought, and used. Looking at history, there used to be a time where when a woman entered a room, a man would stand, or tip his hat to her. A sign of respect. Or a man, would fight to the death when the honor of his woman had been slighted. Now all there is, are the flashy half dressed women that are posted on every commercial and billboard to sell products. Where in the course of time did we change from being a respectful people, to becoming as beasts?
We as men have lost our sense of what's right, when a girl can be openly sexually harassed and everyone just looks on, or laughs at the girl's plight. There is something seriously wrong with that. It's complete injustice.
Don't think for one moment that I'm blaming just men. Because women are just as much at fault. They allowed themselves to be bought, they allow themselves to be used for commercial end, and give the notion that it is okay to do the same thing in the home. Well it's not. It is not okay that we have turned out this way.
There are always talks about how men and women need to be equal. At school, at work, in society as a whole. But how can we expect there to be Progression, when we continue to view them as dog's at a meatfest? We want women to be able to have the same jobs, the same rights as citizens, but in our public view shown to the world they are deemed incompetent, catty, sex items. That's it.
In all honesty I don't think men and women can ever truly be equal in everything. There are always going to be different strengths and weaknesses shown by the individual gender. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have equal opportunities to success. Not this fake equality system we have now; where corporations are forced to meet a quota, making sure they have a certain percentage of employees that fall into a category. The success belongs to the most qualified, the one that works the hardest, and puts forth the most effort. The fact that that individual is a man or a woman should be of little consequence. But if we are to move toward the progression that we so desperately need and desire. There has to be a change to the way we view each other. Especially the way we treat our women. Stop using them, and start loving them. Stop telling them what to do and what to think, and start listening, and discussing, and deciding together. A family can only truly be strong if the mother and the father are united in an understanding, though they may not always agree, if they strive to treat each other, If we all strive to treat each other with the mutual respect that we deserve. Our world would start to see progress. Our lives would be enriched, and I believe there would be a little less hate in the world, simply because we decided to treat each other as human beings. Not as a piece of commercial trash.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Footsteps fading
Silent whispers to the heart
Stopped beats, Breaths end
Imprints that will never leave
The messages you left behind
The feelings felt
The tears that were shed
Around her bed they knelt
Praying God. Oh God!
Save her. Give her back
Their pleading
His unyielding
An angel she's become
Forever watching over them
Cloaking them in love

Dedicated to A.D.
You're missed already.