Monday, December 23, 2013

Become More

The greatest inequality, is trying to make everything equal. To dull down one's talents in order to make others not feel insecure because they weren't as good as the individual. But who cares? People give out trophies and awards for participating. WHY? Why reward those who give minimal effort the same as the ones who gave all the effort. Who when they were ready to give up and quit, pushed that extra mile, gave all their heart.
Why do we reward laziness, and limit the ones willing to rise past the challenge.
People feel entitled to life. Life is a gift, not an entitlement. Not something that can be given by people. It's something that has to be earned, something that you have to stand up and grab with your own hands.
What worth is an easy life.
What worth do you have if you've  never fought for anything.
Where's your passion? Where's your drive?
If you don't have a passion worth dying for,
               Then what the HELL are you living for?!?

Oh I reached that achievement in that game, woop dee flipping doo, while you were wasting all that time, those minutes are now gone to do you, You'll never get them back. and no amount of pictures, videos, or memories will make up for the moments you weren't there.

Rise up.
Stand up.
Become more.
You are an individual, given individual gifts, individual strengths and weaknesses, things others don't have. and how are you ever going to know what you can achieve if you never actually go and find out. It's not something that can be told to you, it's something you must find for yourself. It's inside of you.
it's been said that our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
But that we are powerful beyond measure.
Because we are.
we have so much more we can give, and become, so much more than we allow ourselves to be.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us,
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? We tell ourselves that we have no right to happiness. No Right to being so great.
Actually, who are you not to be?
Your playing small, you holding yourself back in no way serves the world.
 There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
 We are all meant to be great, to manifest the talents and gifts that were given to us when we were born.
All of us have this opportunity, these gifts, they are in everyone
and as we let ourselves grow and become more,  we show the world who we are and give others permission to do the same.
 As we free ourselves from our doubt, and our fear,
we give light, and are a beacon to others lost in the darkness,
showing them the way we have found to the light,
Showing them that it's okay to be different.
It's okay to become more.
To become more than what is considered acceptable.
How else would we have been able to come so far.
The Light bulb, telephone, airplane, car, even just fire. All these
were brought about by great men and women who decided that the current way of life wasn't good enough for them, and that they wanted to make it better, that they wanted to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
So all you complainers and whiners out there, get up and stop causing problems and start being the solution, Because this world is slowly decaying, and we need to stop it. And each and every one of you have something to offer, something to give, and the only way for all of humanity to succeed, is for each and every one of us to succeed ourselves. But no one is going to to do it for you, no one is going to hold your hand and pluck you up when you fall.
But you must rise up again, and again whether it be ten times or ten thousand times. Rise! Be More!
Become who you were born to be!
And Take Responsibility for your own life!

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