Wednesday, July 24, 2013

More than an Item

Why do we idolize in the media, the things that destroy us as a society? Woman are constantly viewed as nothing but an item, something to be sold, bought, and used. Looking at history, there used to be a time where when a woman entered a room, a man would stand, or tip his hat to her. A sign of respect. Or a man, would fight to the death when the honor of his woman had been slighted. Now all there is, are the flashy half dressed women that are posted on every commercial and billboard to sell products. Where in the course of time did we change from being a respectful people, to becoming as beasts?
We as men have lost our sense of what's right, when a girl can be openly sexually harassed and everyone just looks on, or laughs at the girl's plight. There is something seriously wrong with that. It's complete injustice.
Don't think for one moment that I'm blaming just men. Because women are just as much at fault. They allowed themselves to be bought, they allow themselves to be used for commercial end, and give the notion that it is okay to do the same thing in the home. Well it's not. It is not okay that we have turned out this way.
There are always talks about how men and women need to be equal. At school, at work, in society as a whole. But how can we expect there to be Progression, when we continue to view them as dog's at a meatfest? We want women to be able to have the same jobs, the same rights as citizens, but in our public view shown to the world they are deemed incompetent, catty, sex items. That's it.
In all honesty I don't think men and women can ever truly be equal in everything. There are always going to be different strengths and weaknesses shown by the individual gender. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have equal opportunities to success. Not this fake equality system we have now; where corporations are forced to meet a quota, making sure they have a certain percentage of employees that fall into a category. The success belongs to the most qualified, the one that works the hardest, and puts forth the most effort. The fact that that individual is a man or a woman should be of little consequence. But if we are to move toward the progression that we so desperately need and desire. There has to be a change to the way we view each other. Especially the way we treat our women. Stop using them, and start loving them. Stop telling them what to do and what to think, and start listening, and discussing, and deciding together. A family can only truly be strong if the mother and the father are united in an understanding, though they may not always agree, if they strive to treat each other, If we all strive to treat each other with the mutual respect that we deserve. Our world would start to see progress. Our lives would be enriched, and I believe there would be a little less hate in the world, simply because we decided to treat each other as human beings. Not as a piece of commercial trash.

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