Monday, September 29, 2014

What is the meaning

What really is the meaning in this life.
If there is a meaning at all?
Does it really begin at birth?
Does it really end at Death?
No. There would be no point if that were the case.
This is just another stage in our ever evolving existence.
What then is this God that so many religions refer to?
God? Allah? Jehovah? Buddha?
Really just the next stage in our evolution.
The next higher intelligence. Leading us to become as they are.
How did they achieve their higher state?
Did they struggle in life, and unlock the mystery,
or is it actually an achievement only brought about in death?
Is that the real test? The test of who is willing to step beyond the veil,
to take that leap into the unknown. And become more.
Why then is there the struggle forced upon us in this existence.
Humanity's flaw, is it's belief that we are. That we possess anything.
Everything we have can be taken away, does that not mean that we really have nothing.
But to truly have something, that would mean that it could not be taken from us.
and yet we limit ourselves in the way we think. Even our ideas aren't really ours,
they are simply a combination of the experiences, the ideas, the plots thrown at us since birth.
We are creatures of experience.
We celebrate at birth.
We Mourn at death.
We laugh, we complain, we cry, we cheer, we show such a variety of emotions, each of which is
caused by our experiences. We are taught what is appropriate for a given situation.
The very words we use to express our feelings are simply a way of constriction to allow understanding between us.
When discovering new things, we always want to know what it's called, what's it's name. We use the words to describe what something is.
But that limits it's capabilities.
Prescribing a label, in turn sets boundaries, because once the label is imprinted, there is a certain expectation that it will stay within the confines of such a label.
 The label of a race, a country, a religion, a class, a sect, a career, a school, any kind of organization, using any labels instantly tell people about you, what you are without you having really given them any evidence to support the fact. Simply because in their experience they met someone who fit into the same category, that you just gave them, leads them to believe that you are the same. But that's not possible, no two people are the same, so how can we allow ourselves to be fooled by the labels. By the confines of such  a program as classification. Simply because you believe something, does not make it so. By that definition, even if you are to set a label, you're setting yourself unavoidably for failure, because as soon as that label is proven to be wrong, your beliefs will be shattered, your world will be shattered, you won't know what to think, what to believe, and you'll wander, searching, and settling, because eventually you'll give up in your search, deciding it's too hard. It's too much to handle. Our brains are too fragile it seems to accept that life really has no meaning but to be an experience to add to our existence. Who's to say we haven't been thrown through countless lives before, but we didn't achieve what we were sent to achieve, so instead of making the ultimate progress we were recycled, sent back to try again.
Makes me wonder if I've sat here searching for these same answers, time and time again, and yet because of the curse of time, have not yet been able to unravel the mystery that eludes me.
Our minds have been able to create worlds upon worlds, and allowed abilities, and phenomenon to come about in our stories, in our media. But why haven't we been able to unlock the true potential that is humanity.
Why haven't we been able to push past the limits that are in our mind?
Because of what we're taught.
For years we were taught it's impossible for men to fly, but eventually people created planes and found a way to fly.
We couldn't see at night, or warm ourselves when it was cold. But we created clothes, and fire, and electricity.
We in our pursuits have created so much that has progressed our lives to such an extent, that now, people seem to be content.
Wasting away there lives on their phones, on the simplicity of mindless games, becoming the reincarnation, of the brainless neanderthols. Reverting us back in time. not truly allowing us any progression at all.
Is this really our fate? To allow time to reverse our progression, simply because of generations coming that desire to be lazy, and have everyone else to everything for us?
NO. This is not the case.
There is no way that we can allow this world to continue the way it has.
We must reawaken the minds of the world
We must change the course of humanity.

Anytime you say you can't, you instantly confine yourself farther, until eventually you will have caused yourself to be a failure, not willing to achieve anything further than what you can comprehend.

Time is relentless,
It continues marching forward without ever slowing.
There is no delay in it's progress.
Lives beginning and ending in the same instant,
have no effect whatsoever on it.
It is unfeeling, unflinching, and unavoidable.
One day we will die
Time will stop for no man
Everything we have will wither away with time.
So with the time you do have, do everything you can

My mind

The recesses of my mind,
Tell the story of my life.
A darkened sense of justice,
A boy too frightened to do what he feels.
Held back by a fear of rejection,
Held back by a fear of rebukes.
When in his heart of hearts, he knows it all doesn't amount to anything.
Because in the end, we all die, his life will end.
And when it does, no one will remember.
Who he was, or what he stood for.
So why does he care.
Why does he continue to work for things.
His mind and his heart battle,
Logic vs emotion. Neither seeing eye to eye.
Neither caring too.
The boy desires to inspire,
to bring about a great good,
but also wants control, power, the world.
The mind finds the heart to be a hindrance,
the Heart wants the mind to understand.
He loves, He hates, He Plots, He debates.
This child, possessed as a creature of Hell.
Slowly being given over the tantalizing anger,
The beautiful hate of this world.
and the Desire of it's destruction.
He's lived this world of lies for far too long.
Lacking the knowledge of whether any truth exists at all.
There has to be an end.
He needs an end of the lies, He needs the truth,
He needs a reason to believe.
Slowly sinking, steadily in darkness,
given over to hate, given over to intent,
Given to a need for power, a need to be in control.
This craving, vengeance against those who would hurt,
vengeance against The God who created such atrocities.
Vengeance against the world.
and if it be that to exact this vengeance will destroy him,
So be it.


Rules given by others,
why do we follow
Why do we Care?
Is it to be accepted,
Is it to not stand out,
ultimately is it Fear?
Fear of repercussions,
Fear of pain, of suffering
Even when we see those same rules,
bent to a breaking point,
Even rewarding Men who would break them.
Where is the justice.
Where is Their punishment.
How is this Fair.
An eye for an eye,
and we all go blind,
but in that darkness
You know what we'll find
a Peace unknown to man
A peace of humility and meekness
as we're all forced to rely on one another.

You who kill, be killed
You who steal innocence, be found guilty,
You who rob, lose what you use to rob
You who kidnap, lose the life you have.
You who made the choice, die with the consequences.
We have enough criminals living, when they really need to stop.
They decided to act, and the only reason these numbers grow,
is because we don't act upon our promises of retribution.

A "civilized" world is only granted through an agreeance amongst it's people.
To follow the rules set about by them, and enforced by them.
If not, we are no better than animals being whipped into obedience by those who
desire to be masters, and use any means to enact that desire.

A Child

A child's dream
Is a life worth living
It's just a dream
It doesn't exist,
In the end,
All Glory Fades,
Nothing lasts,
We all will eventually decay away,
and what then will be the point.
What then will have been worth the struggle
Goals. What are goals,
but momentary pleasures set in self-gratification,
held firm by the belief that we matter,
That I matter.
But how can that ever be true.
I to must fade into the fabric of time.
That is the only truth, and curse of living.
It never lies, it just continues marching onward,
no matter who desires it's delay, it won't listen.
All become meaningless, it's all just a matter of time.
A child hopes,
A child dreams
A child lives.
A child I am
no more