Thursday, November 20, 2014

Sick of it All

Sick of the pressure
Sick of the shame
Sick of being just a pawn in this game
Sick of dissappointment
Sick of the pain
Sick of the ignorance and lack of fame
Sick of this world
Let's set it aflame
Sick of not having what's mine to claim
Sick of this burning
Bursting through my frame
Unleash the madness
The beast can't be tamed

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

On the Edge

I'm standing at the edge
Waiting for a push

On This Day

On this the day of my birth
I have learnt the extent of my worth
This sum being so small
Stuck in humanity's weakness
Immobilized by emotion's call.

I am but a man
Held in the chains of my conscious
Shackled by the whims of the heart
Weakest muscle of the body,
The human heart.
So fragile, broken so easily.
A substance of affection,
But by my standard, simply an affliction

My infection
The disease, born of the heart
The Cure is unknown to me
I wish only to be free of this curse
Break these chains that bind my wings
Let my fly
Let me rule
Let me become more

The world is rotten,
Overcome by the same affliction
Humanity, a curse of us all.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Here I walk alone
This road paved by lies
Deceit hid in worldly greed
Forced to simply avert my eyes
Blinded and forced to bleed
Here I walk alone
Surrounded by shrouds of black
Shadows circling every step I take
Closer and closer, coming to attack
Gaining ground,  closer forcing me prostrate
Here I walk alone

It's a single path,
From point A to B
There is no chance to deviate
only an illusion of choice in the matter,
But knowing the end result
shows the true insignificance of such choices
All fall away in the face of certain death.
Struggling is futile, fruitless, a waste
Religions created as a way to explain it all
To give reason to the irresolute truth of life
There's none
There's one chance,
and it will end the same as all else
With no way left to change it
I'm left here walking

Here I walk alone