Monday, August 12, 2013


One man's choices
Silences all their voices
Rich empowered
While poor men cower

Fear on their lips
Not wanting to say,
What they need to say
Afraid of the soldiers
Marching, day after day
Control of our lives
Has all been taken away

Traitors of the crown
Their lives never sung
Heroic deeds untold
Simply by the noose, Hung


Man's greatest downfall
Our self-destructive nature
Insecurity's call

Our public image
Too highly valued
What really matters
Completely misconstrued

Put others first
Your family's need
Above selfish thirst

Give up your pride
and soon you'll see
Who you become
Is who you're meant to be

What are you?

What are you?
A product of expectation
Trying to fit their design
Giving in without hesitation

Letting them mold and shape your life
Simply for their greed
Not caring about your desires
Or what it is you really need

A tool, nothing more
Made for one purpose alone
Servitude to the master
Sitting idly on his throne

And when your usefullness is over
Worthless and old
You'll find yourself homeless
Left out in the cold


Surrounded by ignorance
A brain will rot
Lack of common sense
Halts intelligent thought

Moving as mindless drones
That's all that remains
Held by invisible thread
In the puppeteer's domain

Think for yourself
Learn what you know
Cut the strings that bind you
Begin to grow

See the world whole
Not just individual view
Find the truth, the answers
Rebuild thought anew

Friday, August 2, 2013


Who is it they really see
When they look at me?

Outward appearances
only reflect a social norm
Simply, a protective layer
Masking our true form

We are who people will accept
Showing conformity, Hiding doubt
Becoming a shadow of truth
The honest ones being shut out

Our public world
Made from masks and lies
Our faulty system
We're all in disguise

Work for your keep

Life's great illusion
is a man born free
To live. He must give all
Everything he can be

It's a wonder then,
if this be true
How men see entitlements
when nothing's due

But the truth has been twisted
Conniving man's evil design
Causing voices to cry
"Give me what's mine"

Live by the sweat of your brow
and soon you'll see
Without honest, hard work
Nothing can be